First off, I should probably explain what Birchbox is. Akin to Sephora, Birchbox sales health & beauty products. And like Sephora, you earn points if you join the “club”, and you get free shipping at $50. But unlike Sephora, to join Birchbox the starting cost is $10 per month. In exchange you receive a curated box of samples, ranging from actual beauty products to protein bars and earbuds. The men’s club also delivers “manly” skin and hair care products, and extras such as tech accessories. If you like something, buy the full sized product from Birchbox. When you purchase, refer friends, or review your products on the Birchbox website you earn points, and for every $100 points earned you receive a $10 credit towards the Birchbox store.

Cleansing & softening
Not every box that ships out is the same. My friend Emma that lives in the same area as me received some different products in her Birchbox last month. But Birchbox keeps track of exactly what they ship you, and when you log into your account you can easily find the full size products. I have to admit, when I got my fist box, it was anticlimactic. I don’t know what I was expecting, but I felt a little let down with how little came in the box.
Though, after mulling it over, $10 is a pretty good price for what you receive. And the box is beautifully packaged, so it’s like opening up a fun present. The problem is that you may not utilize, or want, all the samples you get. The earbuds that shipped in the box last month? Not going to use them. The stainiac lip stain is ok, but I feel like it dries my lips out. But I loved the other products. And this months box is pretty fun. I have yet to use anything out of it yet, but am looking forward to it.
So, is Birchbox worth it? Well, if you’re the type of girl that loves samples, you’ll love this program. And ten bucks a month is pretty cheap. Especially seeing that samples can last a fairly long time. I am still slowly getting through all the samples from the Sun Safety Kit reviews we did over the summer. But if you’re very picky about the products you use, and don’t stray much from the regiment you already have, I don’t think this program is for you.
Interested in joining? Just a warning, when I signed up there was about a months wait until I was actually invited to join. That may have changed by now. But once you join, you can pay on a monthly basis and skip a month if you want to. Beth and I will be teaming up to bring you reviews on the samples we receive.
Are you a member of Birchbox? What have you thought of your curated boxes so far?