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Recipe for Sweet Potato & Bacon Hash

Here’s a yummy hash you can either top with an egg in the morning, top with some steak in the evening, or vice versa. The recipe will make enough for 2.

  • 2 slices of bacon
  • 1 small to medium sweet potato, diced (*tip: bake or boil the sweet potato first, to shorten the cooking time in the pan)
  • 1 small onion, diced
  • 4 large kale leaves, chopped
  • salt, pepper & spices

Diced sweet potato for Sweet Potato & Bacon Hash

Slice the bacon cross-wise into 1 inch strips. Cook over low heat in a cast iron or non-stick pan, just until the bacon starts to crisp. Remove from pan and drain on paper towel. Keep the bacon fat in the pan.

Turn the heat up to medium, and add the diced onion to the pan and cook to soften, about 3 minutes. Add sweet potato to the pan. To cook the potato faster, consider boiling the diced potato for 10 minutes prior to adding to pan. If you boil the potato, drain and add to the pan with onion for about 5 minutes, until the potato starts to brown on the outside.

If not boiled, cook the potato in the pan  until softened, about 15 to 20 minutes, depending on how well you like it cooked. Stir often.

Add chopped kale leaves, and cook until greens start to soften and wilt.

Season to taste with salt, pepper, and any spices you like (I used garlic powder and oregano).

Plate the hash, and eat as is, or top with additional protein.

Author: Sarah

A self educated health enthusiast, I love geeking out on the latest information on healthy eating and exercise. Although this may happen prednisone while drinking a glass of wine...

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